
Sri Adwayananda Public School is governed by Alliance Educational Foundation, a charitable society established in 1985 to support a balanced education for academic and personal development.

Chairperson’s Message

Alliance Educational Foundation commenced Sri Adwayananda Public School in the year 1987, to foster education and provide a unique approach to teaching. With the evolution of time, and the increasing demands and competition from the academic and career sphere, Alliance Educational Foundation aims at scaling up the school with the vision of strengthening the academics; bringing in quality education; fostering the possibility of learning, exploring and understanding the vast realm of possibilities and opportunities that exist.

“We envision to redefine the entire pedagogy of academics enabling students to be more aware of their social responsibilities and commitments, to be more able and mature to face the challenges of the modern times, understand their duties and responsibilities as a citizen of the country, as a mature adult and above all as a responsive responsible human being. At Sri Adwayananda Public School, we aim to deliver quality education with academic excellence as the chief focal point while also providing students with multiple venues and opportunities to explore, interact and understand the umpteen possibilities that exist; be it in the sphere of science and technology, art and design, crafts and craftsmanship or the cutting edge technology of AI and robotics! Possibilities are endless and opportunities are many, every student must understand their passion, follow it and excel in it! They must be aware of the numerous domains of specialisation that exist today, must be sensitive towards contexts and must be willing to explore futuristic possibilities, creating and defining their own identity in the process!”

Smt. Radhika Prasad Krishnachandran